It goes without saying that in a consultative environment, understanding the client’s business is essential. Without it, how can you propose a solution? But so often, it’s too easy to be transactional, focusing on the issue, opportunity or deal in question. Whether your ‘client’ is your external customer or your internal stakeholder, being so myopically focused on the issue at hand – and in your solution – makes it very easy to forget the wider context, and thereby miss great opportunities to add value, and demonstrate that you have his/her broader interests at heart.
GAPS is a simple but highly effective consultative model – that can be used at a business (or strategic) level, and also at an individual level. Look upon it as a ‘gap analysis’ – closing gaps in your knowledge to lift your performance and provide much-needed differentiation.
Here’s how it works:
Ask them what their Goals are – their organisational or business objectives and aims. And also their personal or individual goals relating to the situation. What will the business achieve and what will they personally achieve from a successful outcome?
With the goals in mind, ascertain what Activities they have undertaken to reach those goals. What have they done already and what are they planning? What are the next steps to accomplish their aims?
The third step is find out if they are encountering any Problems along the way. What issues, challenges or roadblocks have arisen or do they foresee? Have they tried to overcome them, and how?
Then present your Solution to solve those problems, linking it with the client’s bottom line goals. Ideally the client will articulate the link themselves. Talk about how you have solved similar problems for other clients (and emphasise the results those clients have enjoyed). And provide a clear pathway to implement the solution.
GAPS is such a simple framework. It can be used as an effective meeting agenda; to construct a value-driven presentation; or as a highly effective coaching tool.

Robin Martin